Easential Healing

Emotional and Energetic Wellness

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Bring more ease into your life by embracing your emotions and connecting with yourself with Reiki Therapy and Access Bars.

By appointments only.

About Easential Healing

Easential Healing is for anyone embarking on their self-discovery and healing ​journey, as well as, professionals and healers looking to further deepen their ​connection to themselves.

Healing and evolving as spiritual beings allow us to show up as our true Selves in this ​lifetime. When we don't allow ourselves to face our emotional and energetic bodies, ​we get caught up in our limited human minds and we rely on the physical world for ​resources.

How we perceive life and how we feel gives us insights into our inner world, beliefs, ​and limiting definitions of our experiences.

Clearing out the energetic stagnation and emotions from our bodies, and moving ​through beliefs that no longer serve us clears our vision and allows for a better ​understanding of ourselves and others. Allowing us to listen to our true purpose and ​truth.

The only way to wholesome well-being is through feeling and releasing stuck ​emotions and limiting beliefs. While this is an individual journey, I firmly believe that ​you don't have to do it alone. Navigating the difficult task of facing ourselves is ​easier when we are accompanied and guided by another who is experienced in ​holding space.

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Meet Erika

Hello! My name is Erika Marie, Reiki Master and Access Bars practitioner. After 10 years of working ​on my own healing, one thing has remained true: I haven’t done it alone.

I owe my healing to my willingness to face my pain and the deepest truths about myself, and to all ​of the people who have supported me along the way. Early on I realized that it’s essential to receive ​guidance and support from others to truly grow and self-reflect.

I started my journey in 2013 not knowing it would become my Soul work. In 2014, I was solely a Reiki ​client, received Reiki sessions once a month for a year and a half and it became a constant part of ​my life.

I went on to become a Usui Reiki practitioner in 2017 in Puebla, Mexico. Today, after years of ​practice, I got certified in February 2023 as a Usui Reiki Master.

Since the beginning of my healing journey, I received support and guidance from different ​specialists like psychotherapists, energy healers, chiropractors, acupuncturists, psychics, Reiki ​Masters, breathwork facilitators, somatic workers, family constellation practitioners, athletic trainers, ​coaches, astrologers, kundalini energy workers, to name a few!

Working with all of these talented people inspired me to get my Bachelor’s in Business ​Administration (2016-2020) from UDLAP and a Master's in Transpersonal Development from ​Instituto Universitario Transpersonal in Puebla, Mexico (2020-2022) to pursue this project, Easential ​Healing. It’s the best decision I’ve made.

My Soul's purpose is to create this space where you can feel seen and guided in your healing. I ​understand the importance of being guided by another.

I hope to be a part of your healing story.

How can you work with me?

Your healing needs are unique. We will explore your wellness goals and concerns ​through a holistic and transpersonal approach in a safe environment. We ​determine whether a series of Reiki sessions or Access Bars suits your needs and ​equip you with tools to build on your healing on your own.


  • Reiki Sessions
  • Access Bars
  • Transpersonal Coaching
  • Cyrstal Healing

Healing Modalities

Transpersonal ​Coaching

Transpersonal coaching encompasses the study of the full human potential. ​It understands the psycho-spiritual-emotional-somatic nature of the human ​experience and approaches coaching from an interdisciplinary lens.

In-person (75 min) — $125

Online (75 min) — $115

Reiki Therapy

Reiki therapy is a gentle and non-invasive healing practice that involves ​transmitting Reiki energy through hands. Reiki energy gently removes ​energetic blockages, reduces pain, and promotes emotional clearing.

In-person (90 min) — $145

Online (90 min) — $115

Access Bars

Access Bars is a holistic therapy involving lightly touching 32 points on the ​head to release electromagnetic charge associated with thoughts, beliefs, ​considerations, and emotions. Resets the mind, opening up to a fulfilling life.

In-person (60 min) — $125



We use crystals infused with healing energy designed to remove energetic ​stagnation and blockages from our main 7 energy centers. We review your ​inte​ntion and conduct a chakra diagnosis to best understand your energy.

In-person (45 min) — $55

*If your are facing financial hardship, I can work with you. Please reach out via email or schedule a consultation to discuss

Benefits of Reiki

Physical Well-being

Reiki energy promotes the body's natural ability to heal itself. Your body experiences deep relaxation and releases physical and emotional tension. It enhances the function of your internal organs and relieves pain.

Mental & Emotional Support

Reiki's gentle energy allows the processing of emotional and mental blockages, bringing the unconscious conscious. While sessions can be silent, with us, you can express yourself out loud with the guidance of your Reiki practitioner.

Energetic Balancing

Reiki energy is a high vibrational energy that moves through your electromagnetic field and chakra system, clearing out stagnation and increasing overall energy flow.

Man during Healing Session in  Room
healing massage

what to expect with reiki therpay


  • Set an intention for your session. Ask yourself: What do I want to release? How do I wish to feel?

During Reiki Session

  • 5-10 minute intake and check-in. A time to discuss your intention and goals for your session.
  • 60-75 minutes of Reiki session with somatic therapy where you release emotions from the body.
  • 5-10 minute outtake. Integrate the session with tools and next steps to achieve your goals.

Total session time: 90 minutes.


  • You can expect to feel waves of emotional processing and integration for the following 2-3 days after your session. This may look like fatigue, irritability, emotional release, and restlessness, and you may also feel more relaxed and in a better mood.
  • During this apply the support tools and practices discussed during your session. If you need more support, contact Erika directly at easentialhealing@gmail.com or text at 858-621-3009.

Book Now



4901 Morena Blvd, Ste 209A, San Diego, CA 92117


2nd Location - Return To Wholeness

13514 Pomerado Rd L, Poway, CA 92064

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(858) 621 3009

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By appointment only.


Todos los servicios se ofrecen en Español.

cropped shot of man receiving reiki treatment on stomach


"Erika is a talented energy healer! Her intuitive insights throughout our session lead me to deeper conclusions about myself and my circumstances that, when paired with Reiki, I was able to gain not only a new perspective of, but also bring a new energy to. I am endlessly grateful for her gifts!"


"I loved it! Erika clearly laid out what the session was going to look like. She made me feel very relaxed and at peace. The reiki itself felt amazing and I enjoyed the overall experience!"


"Feeling the Reiki energy is so calming and loving. Erika helped me face a very emotionally charged situation with support and love. I was able to release the tension with ease and feel my way through my present struggle. The method she uses is very effective. I had a few thoughts and some realizations that I’d never had before that were helpful to my healing. It’s been over 12 hours and I still feel so relaxed and free. She is amazing."


"Loved it! I processed So many emotions!"
